Signed in as:
0-2 Year Olds
Included in our hourly fee is:
Breakfast - toast, cereal and fruit
Morning & Afternoon snack - fruit, vegetables, breadsticks, crackers, rice cakes
2-3 Year Olds
Included in our hourly fee is:
Breakfast - toast, cereal, and fruit
Morning & Afternoon snack - fruit, vegetables, breadsticks, crackers, rice cakes
3-4 Year Olds
Included in our hourly fee is:
Breakfast - toast, cereal, and fruit
Morning & Afternoon snack - fruit, vegetables, breadsticks, crackers, rice cakes
There are several ways in which financial help is provided towards childcare. Each of the support systems has differing qualifying criteria which you can find out more information about at the Childcare Choices website www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/
When registering your child with us where you DO NOT claim any funded hours, we require a £25.00 non refundable registration fee to be paid to secure your child's place with us. This should be paid upon returning your registration form and Childcare Terms and Conditions.
Lowmoor Pre- School
CA7 9QP, Wigton, Cumbria, England, United Kingdom
Copyright © 2022 Lomoor Pre- School - All Rights Reserved. Registered CHArity number 1176681